Become a Professional Game Master - Workshop


Become a Professional Game Master - How to Start Your Own Pro GM Business

Are you an avid Game Master passionate about tabletop role-playing games?

Have you ever considered taking your game-mastering skills to the next level and turning your hobby into a rewarding profession? 

Join Rolldark for an all-day intimate workshop on Friday, September 27th, in Witney, Oxfordshire, hosted by Rob Bradley, founder of Rolldark Game Master Agency and the Rolldark Community.

This exclusive workshop will equip you with knowledge, valuable insights, and strategies to transition into professional Game Mastering. 

10am til 4pm

It is now time for your passion to become your business.

Book Ticket

Become a Professional Game Master - How to Start Your Own Pro GM Business

Are you an avid Game Master passionate about tabletop role-playing games?

Have you ever considered taking your game-mastering skills to the next level and turning your hobby into a rewarding profession? 

Join Rolldark for an all-day intimate workshop on Friday, September 27th, in Witney, Oxfordshire, hosted by Rob Bradley, founder of Rolldark Game Master Agency and the Rolldark Community.

This exclusive workshop will equip you with knowledge, valuable insights, and strategies to transition into professional Game Mastering. 

10am til 4pm

It is now time for your passion to become your business.

Become a Professional Game Master - How to Start Your Own Pro GM Business

Are you an avid Game Master passionate about tabletop role-playing games?

Have you ever considered taking your game-mastering skills to the next level and turning your hobby into a rewarding profession? 

Join Rolldark for an all-day intimate workshop on Friday, September 27th, in Witney, Oxfordshire, hosted by Rob Bradley, founder of Rolldark Game Master Agency and the Rolldark Community.

This exclusive workshop will equip you with knowledge, valuable insights, and strategies to transition into professional Game Mastering. 

10am til 4pm

It is now time for your passion to become your business.

Key Insights Covered:

Building Your Brand: Learn how to establish your unique identity as a professional Game Master and craft a compelling brand that sets you apart in the market.

Market Research and Target Audience: Understand the importance of market research and identifying your target audience to tailor your services to their needs and preferences.

Pricing and Packages: Explore different pricing models and create attractive service packages that offer value to your clients while sustaining your business.

Marketing and Promotion: Master marketing yourself as a professional Game Master, utilising social media, networking, and other channels to reach potential clients.

Professional Presentation: Enhance your presentation skills, both in-person and online, to make a lasting impression on clients and ensure repeat business.

Client Management: Learn effective communication and client management techniques to build strong, long-lasting customer relationships.

Legal and Financial Considerations: Understand the legal and financial aspects of starting and running a professional Game Mastering business, including contracts and taxes.

Diversifying Your Services: Explore additional avenues to expand your offerings, such as organising workshops, writing adventures, or creating digital content.

Handling Feedback and Reviews: Develop strategies for receiving and responding to client feedback to improve your services continuously.

Networking and Collaborations: Discover the power of networking with other professionals in the gaming industry and seeking collaboration opportunities to widen your reach.

Balancing Creativity and Professionalism: Find the sweet spot between showcasing your creative storytelling abilities and maintaining a professional image in your business.

Sustainable Growth and Adaptability: Plan for the long term by setting achievable goals and staying adaptable to the evolving demands of the RPG market.

New for 2024:

Psychology of Roleplaying: Explore the psychological aspects of roleplaying games, including player motivations, immersion, player-character relationships, and the impact of gaming on mental health.

Case Studies and Success Stories: We will Analyse real-world case studies of successful Game Masters and gaming businesses, highlighting their strategies, challenges, and key takeaways.

Ethical and Inclusive Gaming Practices: We will discuss the importance of creating inclusive and respectful gaming environments, addressing topics such as representation, diversity, and handling sensitive themes in games.

Join Rob Bradley in this exclusive workshop and take the first step towards making your dream of becoming a professional Game Master a reality. Whether you are a seasoned Game Master looking to turn your skills into a lucrative career or a passionate newcomer eager to take the TTRPG world by storm, this workshop will provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to embark on your journey to success.

Rob Bradley - Founder of Rolldark Ltd

Rob started Rolldark in the summer of 2019. Since then Rolldark has over 30 professional Game Masters on it’s books and over 150 active players and 400 plus community members through the Rolldark Discord. Rolldark is a national Game Master agency offering groups of families, friends and corporate team building both in-person and online.

Spaces are limited to ten people, so secure your spot for a day of transformative insights and practical advice to shape your future as a professional Game Master.

Note: Workshop details and schedule will be provided upon registration.

The Game Master Academy - Leicester Castle
from £12.00