Vecna: Eve of Ruin Rolldark Campaign - JC


Something stirs in the deepest, darkest corners of the multiverse. The beginning of the end.


Many eons ago, a powerful wizard-king, fearful of his fated demise, learned the forbidden secrets of dread immortality and became the first lich. He raised armies of the living and the myriad dead to expand his evil empire across the world. Many rose to challenge him. All who did fell before his invincible might. His victory seemed assured. Yet from within his own ranks, one trusted friend betrayed him, and spelled his doom. He vanished from the earth, leaving only two fell remnants of his form, each imbued with his lingering, vile essence: a withered hand and a wicked eye. Across the planes, only a few dare speak his name in frightened whispers: VECNA.


In time, Vecna returned and grew in power across many worlds. Soon he even shed his undead form and ascended to dark divinity, becoming a god of magic and secrets. Yet even godhood is not enough for Vecna. He imagines a universe where all things bend to his whim. Somewhere in the multiverse, hidden by ancient magic beyond time and space, beyond even the eyes of the gods themselves, Vecna has been weaving his Ritual of Remaking. Reality itself slowly unravels, one secret at a time, and at its end, history will be rewritten, the gods will vanish, and he alone will reign, eternal and supreme. Nigh is the Eve of Ruin. And this time, nothing can stop him.


Yet… you will try.


You begin this adventure as heroes. But that will not be enough. You will travel to the darkest corners of distant worlds and planes, where even the bravest of beings dare not tread. You will face difficult moral quandaries. You will battle powerful and terrifying foes. You will unlock mysteries long forgotten. You will seek history’s most magical artifacts. You will summon the realm’s mightiest allies. You will ascend to champions of the realms. You will be called to vanquish evil incarnate itself. And all the while, whispers follow and surround you, threatening to undo your efforts. The secret to Vecna’s final demise is out there somewhere. Will you find it, when no one else ever has? Will you be enough, by the end?

We shall see.


Campaign information:

  • Weekly sessions on Mondays from 6 – 10 pm UK time, beginning 10 June 2024

  • Price per ticket: £17.00 plus VAT

  • 4-hour sessions, with a brief 20-minute break around the midpoint

  • Played online via Foundry VTT (virtual tabletop) and Discord (for video and voice)

  • 7 adult players maximum.

  • Experienced D&D 5e players and roleplayers only.

  • Expect invested roleplay, dungeon-delving exploration, and strategic, challenging combat in equal measure.

  • Safety tools: lines and veils, x-cards, session 0, breaks, aftercare, and debriefs

Character information:

  • Levels 10 – 20, with milestone levelling.

  • All official D&D 5e races, classes, and subclasses welcome.

  • Make sure to create a character that's willing to adventure and cooperate... and possibly ends up saving the universe! The stakes have never been higher. Beach bums and barflies need not apply.

  • More character-making specifics supplied after reserving.

Your DM, John Charles (JC):

  • 16+ years of professional stage, voice, and improv acting; expect a Critical Role-esque experience!

  • 14+ years of TTRPG experience, 7+ years as a Dungeon Master, and 4+ years of full-time professional DMing.

  • Thousands of hours of experience with D&D 5e and Foundry software; dozens of unique adventures run.

  • Brings a full suite of immersive game materials, including detailed, colourful maps, ambient music and soundscapes, inspiring artwork, handouts, and more.

  • A friendly, easy-going nature and a safe, encouraging, fun environment.

  • An unbridled passion for storytelling and gaming.


Disclaimer. Vecna: Eve of Ruin is the final full adventure of D&D 5th edition, and was released during the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons. It features the infamous Vecna, a long-time villain of the D&D legendarium. While the premise of a multiverse-spanning artifact hunt to stop the greatest evil ever known as you ascend to level 20 sounds epic in premise, the book is unfortunately severely lacking. As-written, the module has many glaring issues, not just with game balance, but also with player agency and a satisfying story worthy of 50 years of D&D history.

However, after many dozens of hours of my own research, writing, and compiling ideas from other great DMs across the planes of Reddit, I have rewritten much of the original adventure and hopefully created a more satisfying experience. Please be aware that when you sign up to play, you’ll be playing a heavily modified version, with much of the text adjusted and lots of extra new content, all to maximize your enjoyment and to tell a great story – your story.


See you in the multiverse!

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