Keepers of Chaos: The Shadow of Mayhem

from £17.20

As chaos spreads across the planes, all of known existence teeters on the precipice of disaster. Only

one group of heroes possesses the skills and knowledge to avert the danger: the Keepers of Chaos.

However, they aren’t the only group seeking to secure the chaos. A cabal of ancient Mind Flayers has

sent its forces far and wide, delivering death and destruction as they attempt to harness the power

of chaos for their own nefarious goals.

Having discovered a hotbed of chaotic activity, the Keepers of Chaos will travel into the dark heart of

the Shadowfell on a deadly mission. Do you have what it takes to join them? Or will you stand idle as

chaos ravages the planes?

This 8-week campaign will take place on the Rolldark Discord server using Foundry VTT maps. You

will be contacted by your GM, Jack, within 24 hours of purchasing your ticket which covers all the

details of the game. This game is for level 12 characters. You can use a character of your own making

or choose from a catalogue of ready-made characters to play as.

Game information:

Location: Online Game (Rolldark Discord)

Start Date: Monday 12TH February 2024

Game Time: 19.00-23.00

Max Number of Players: 6

Party Level: 12

Book Tickets
Vecna: Eve of Ruin Rolldark Campaign - JC
Keepers of Chaos On Tour: Astral Sea Cruisin’